Welcome to the blog of 'Bingo! It's Off the Cuff': an improvised comedy show which is part of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2010.
"But what is 'Bingo! It's Off the Cuff'?" I hear you ask. You can find all the answers here, while general information on Off the Cuff is located here.
We're doing 26 shows in 26 nights. And no one show will be the same! Everything you see on our stage is fuelled by your suggestions and the bingo balls decide what games we'll play, meaning it's the most improvised show you'll ever see.
In the meantime, I'll be updating this blog every day. You'll be able to see videos of myself and the rest of Cuff as we enjoy all that Edinburgh has to offer, as well as photos, including the lucky winners of each night's Mystery Prize!
It only remains for me to quickly thank everyone who has worked (and will work!) so hard to get us to the Festival this year. Cuffers and non-Cuffers alike, you've been superb! May Jiggins, god of the Scots bless each and every one of you.
Tune in tomorrow to see how we're getting on in the build-up to opening night!
If you're reading this, you're in the best place to watch Off the Cuff's maiden Edinburgh journey unfold. I'll be your guide, I'm Stu. That's me in the photo above (as if you hadn't already guessed).
While this is not my first trip to the wonderful city of Edinburgh, this will be my first experience of the Festival, which I think makes this blog extra special.As I put the finishing touches to this opening gambit, I'm sitting on a train taking me from London to Edinburgh, with my fellow Cuffer Ania. In a few short hours we will join Cuff's First Wave: Simon, Tom, Dougie, Mike S, Laila and Calum. And reinforcements will follow. Petes of the Armstrong and Strong variety will join Lloyd, Mike H and Rosie to complete our line-up of talented performers later this month. Tomorrow night we open with our first show of the run. I can hardly wait!
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